About us

About me

 Hello !  i am Joseph soren from Deoghar Jharkhand,India.I am a blogger and part time you tuber. I like tech very much and about the computers knowledge.I am from Christian family.Now i  am also a student

About this site

This site is created by me on blogger .My aim is to spread tech information to the people .Here you will get  latest updates from tech.You can also ask your question in this site.I will surely  give you response if i have answer.

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Here we not criticise or promoting  any brand or product.Our aim is only to provide updates about tech.

Don't hesitate ,If you want to contact with us,email  and phone Number is given below.

Blog. Name :- Virgintech.in
Blogger  name :- Joseph soren
Email us .:- Josephsoren@gmail.com
Profession : -Tech  You tuber and blogger
Country :-  India
Addresses : -Baidnath dham,Deoghat,jharkhand
 Pin code-814112


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