Earn money from YouTube

You can also  earn money from YouTube .
Today  generation  are very  creative and they used YouTube  for study and art work.

If you have talent  then show to these world a and  make passive income from your views.

Before starting you YouTube  channel first learn about YouTube  that how its work and how  you can earn money.

How to create a YouTube  channel.

1. Open the YouTube  .
2. Click on sign in button
3. Now, click  on the create channel.
4.Now, upload your  video.

After this download YouTube  creator studio it helps you to monitoring  you videos.

Techno Gamer

"सीखने की कोई उम्र नहीं होती है, इसलिए रोज कुछ न कुछ नया सीखते रहें !" लेखक : रोहित कुमार

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